Saturday, April 18, 2009

Kodiak and his death wish

Once upon a time there lived a little boy named Kodiak. He was a cute little boy who liked to laugh, get into mischief, and scare the crap out of his parents. He had had several close calls like falling over the banister and landing at the bottom of the stairs, falling of a stool onto a slate floor, etc, etc. He never got hurt too bad just a few bumps and bruises.
One day Kodiak, his brother Kalsin, and his father Michael were outside playing in the dirt in the backyard. His mom had just left to go to a baby shower. After she left, Kodiak decided he needed to escape from the backyard and run down the street to find some cars. One of the neighbors saw him and yelled " Grab that little boy!", just as car tires were screeching and horns were honking. Michael was running down the street with little Kalsin following at his heels, trying to get to Kodiak. Now Kodiak, unfazed, smiling and happy and safe (thanks to the neighbor) had once again managed to escape the fate of death and scare the crap out his parents.
The End


Katy said...

This post makes me almost wet myself!!! I'm so glad that Kodiak is okay, and I hope you guys aren't driven to an early grave via stress-induced heart attacks!!!

Edna said...

He sounds just like my brother James! Ask Grandpa how many times they thought they were going to lose him! One that comes to mind is when he ran out in front of a big truck on a narrow street in Bermuda. Those are the kinds of incidents parents NEVER forget!

Well, now, thanks to Kodiak, no one can say Laura and you are full of crap!

Amy said...

Oh, goodness! I swear it seems like your heart is semi-permanently in your throat as a parent of toddlers. Glad he's okay.

Cindy said...

Oh goodness. Was that just after I left? I guess I should have stayed...

RoseAnn said...

It's a good thing Laura didn't tell me for a few days later. I probably would have been the one to have a heart attack. The banister fate was bad enough. Glad he's a tuff little guy.