Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ah, the terrible two's

If only I knew how little children thought when they are two, I might be able to understand why they're so terrible. If anybody has a guide on how to survive the "terrible two's" for twins, I LOVE to get a copy! The boys haven't been too bad, but they definitely have their moments. They'll cry at the drop of a hat and be happy 5 minutes later. They want to be held, but they don't want you to touch them. They don't want to eat, but they're hungry. Mom isn't good enough to snuggle with in the morning (only uncle Dehson will do), but it's ok at night. That's probably only the half of it. So if anybody else knows how to stay sane during all this, please, please, please let me know.


Amy said...

Here's a hint-- laugh your way through it because it only gets worse every year!

Washburn Family said...

Fabulous! Thanks Amy!

Melissa said...

Ah...yes!!! That sounds so familiar!! Good Luck!!

Edna said...

Laura, I found this on the internet (Just times it by two):

"Pretty much grin and bear it"
by: HELENofTROY on Mar 15 2007 (24 months ago)

The terrible twos are the first 'declaration of independance'.

There's a lot of frustration in the two year old. They try to do so many new things and get mad when they can't do them.

As for the temper tantrums, 'The Nanny' has a great way of handling it. Ignore the tantrum. It's a bid for attention. If you give your child attention at this time, he wins and will continue doing it.

If you still have a playpen, use it as the 'naughty place'. It's padded. Put him in the playpen with no toys when he starts acting out. Say, 'Call me when you're done' and walk away.

I would not associate his crib or bed with the 'naughty spot', though.

When a tantrum happens in a store, restaurant, while visiting...(and they will)...calmly take your son out and take him home or to sit in the car....Say, 'When you're done we will continue shopping'.

It's a bit inconvenient for you, but he will get the message pretty quickly and quit using the tantrum to get what he wants or to get your attention.

One of my sons would get down on all fours and bang his forehead on the floor. I kept a small pillow handy and just slid it under his head and let him go at it...ignoring him. The egg on his forehead did go away and so did the tantrums.

Sources: Mom of 6

HELENofTROY's Recommendations

Making The "Terrible" Twos Terrific

Amazon List Price: $9.95
Used from: $2.24
Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 39 reviews)
How to Survive the Terrible Twos

Used from: $16.78

How to Survive the Terrible Twos

Used from: $16.78

Katy said...

I hear ya, Laura. We are seriously doubting past plans to have more kids. I don't know if I want to go through toddler/preschool years after having finally survived it with twins!!! Good luck!